Our Mission
Service League promotes enrichment of educational, cultural, and charitable service organizations of Lake County and surrounding communities by providing dedicated volunteers, financial support, and proven leadership. We value commitment, honor tradition, foster personal growth, share accomplishments, cherish friendships, and proudly hold high standards in all we do.
Benefits of Membership
- Make a positive impact in your community.
- Meet new people and form lifelong friendships.
- Opportunities for personal growth and leadership development.
- Volunteer in the community through well-organized service projects.
- Attend monthly General Meetings with exciting and informative topics.
- Participate in exciting fundraisers and special events.
Membership Eligibility
In order to be considered for membership you must meet the following criteria:
- You must be at least 21 years of age by July 1st of your provisional year.
- Prospective members must reside or work in Lake, Geauga or Ashtabula County.
Prospective members are welcome to attend any of our general meetings. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 6:30pm (with exception of the December meeting, which is traditionally a brunch held the first Saturday of December). There are no regular meetings in June, July or August.